Yay for new banners. So starting at the red building at the top left that is the music hall, then theres the park. The apartment is where Jason Starkweather lives (he is at the end of the rotation). Then the house on the farthest right is Yang, then Wayland (another yet to be played house), then Lee, Charmers, Brooke, Reeves, Ryman, Harris and April Ryman. The school is in the bottom left hand corner.
Don and Lavender are crazy about each other, so much so that its annoying
The girls set the garden up so that Don doesn't starve. Plantsims don't eat
Blossom got promoted and Lavender is preggers. They've been at it like rabbits so I'm not really surprised
Serrie came over for a visit and stayed until midnight
Lavender. I de plantsimmed them. I was sick of them passing out at night. They're stunning under the green
Lavender gives birth to baby Drake
I think he is going to look like his dad. Hopefully it won't be so bad. Don knocked Lavender up again at the very end of the rotation. I am not happy, at this rate Blossom is going to have to move out and I hate single sim households. I think Don and Lav are one of those sim couples that ACR makes have a gazillion babies. We shall see.